San Miguel MetOpera Trust:
Vision / Mission / Strategies
The VISION of the San Miguel MetOpera Trust is to achieve international recognition for outstanding young Mexican opera singers congruent with the level of their talent.
Our Mission
Identify the most outstanding young opera voices in Mexico;
Give those singers opportunities to be heard by the most important decision-makers in the opera world;
Support those singers in the early phases of building an international career
Our Strategies
Establish and sustain relationships with opera professionals throughout Mexico who can help to identify talent;
Ensure financial support for the Mexico District of the Metropolitan Opera Laffont Competition, held annually in San Miguel de Allende;
Prepare the winners of the annual Mexico District MetOpera auditions to go on successfully to the next regional round, provide them intensive voice coaching, voice instruction and coaching in stage direction by maestros who work regularly within the standards of the world-wide opera industry.